Prepare for IoT

Very suitable for first steps is the extremely inexpensive microcontroller WMOS D1 Mini with integrated WIFI chip of the type ESP-8266EX.

This course will develop a device to record the illuminance, temperature and humidity of a room. Later the control of a fan and a heater should be possible.



Prerequisites in knowledge

In order to be able to work on this course, it is helpful to have basic knowledge in the programming of Arduino microcontroller platforms.

This course can be mastered without any problems if the following courses have been previously taken:

Prerequisites in materials

To start this course the following materials need to be provided.

No Item Amount Note
1. WMOS D1 Mini 1 microcontroller board which has to be programmed for implementin the control logic and connection to the cloud
2. LDR 1 Simple analog sensor, to measure illuminance
3. DHT11 (or DHT22) 1 Digital and more intelligent sensor, to measure temperature and moisture
4. LED 1 Signal LEDs to indicate some status
5. Resistance 1 Resistance to adjust the LED and transistor current
6. Breadboard 1 Breadboard to assemble the circuit

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