Drawing Graphics

In programming, the computer will be given instructions with a number of commands. These commands are called functions.

In the following, some features are introduced that generate graphics on the artboard of Processing.

working tasks – drawing graphics

1. Make use of line and rect-drawing commands to design a colored house like the following. 2. Develop a program that draws a smiley. For drawing circles you need to use a command called ellipse. Make use of the Processing reference documentation.

working tasks – drawing patterns

1. Create a large colored cloud made of points 2. Create a pattern of red horizontal lines
3. Create a net consisting of red horizontal and green vertical lines 4. Create a chess field pattern

The coordinate system

Note that the coordinate system in the processing programming is defined as shown opposite.
As usual, the x-axis shows higher values on the right. The y-axis, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite as usual. Higher y values are positioned lower on the scale! 

Drawing points

Points can be generated with the command point.

The coordinates will be established relatively from the upper left corner of the output window.

Syntax point(x, y)
Parameter x: x-coordinate of the point
y: y-coordinate of the point
point(10, 10); point(10, 12); point(10, 14);
point(10, 16); point(10, 18); point(10, 20);
point(12, 10); point(12, 12); point(12, 14);point(12, 16); point(12, 18); point(12, 20);point(14, 10); point(14, 12); point(14, 14);point(14, 16); point(14, 18); point(14, 20);

2. Drawing lines

Lines are generated with the command line:

Syntax line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Parameter x1: x-coordinate of the first point

y1: y-coordinate of the first point

x2: x-coordinate of the second point

y2: y-coordinate of the second point

line(10, 80, 30, 40);

line(20, 80, 40, 40);

line(30, 80, 50, 40);
line(40, 80, 60, 40);
line(50, 80, 70, 40);

3. Drawing rectangles

Rechtecke bestehen aus einem Rand und einer Füllung. Sie können mit dem rect-Befehl erzeugt werden.

Syntax rect(a,b,c,d)
rect(a, b, c, d, tl, tr, br, bl)
Parameter a: x-coordinate

b: y-coordinate

c: width

d: height

r: radius for rounded corner

tl: radius for top left corner

tr: radius for top right corner

br: radius for bottom right corner

bl: radius for bottom left corner


rect(10, 10, 60, 60);


rect(80, 10, 60, 60, 10);


rect(150, 10, 60, 60, 20, 10, 5, 0);

4. Changing the drawing area

You can change the drawing area with the commands size and background.

Syntax size(w, h)
Parameter w: width of the drawing area

h: height of the drawing area

Description allows to adjust the size of the drawing area
Syntax background(rgb)
background(rgb, alpha)
Parameter rgb: any color value

alpha: opacity

Description allows to colour the drawing area

5. Representation of colours

Colours can be defined in different ways. In Processing the following representations are possible:

Description Beispiel
RGB-individual values

All colour components can have values between 0 and 255

background(204, 153, 0)

A grey tone is used with values between 0 and 255


Colour components are displayed in hexadecimal numbers


In addition, opacity with values between 0 and 255 can be specified in many cases, to influence the visibility of the object background.

6. Fillings and stroke colour and stroke width

In order to change the representation of drawn objects you use the commands  stroke, strokeWeight
and fill

Syntax stroke(rgb)
stroke(rgb, alpha)
Parameter rgb: any colour value

alpha: opacity

Description changes the colour of lines and borders for all the following commands.
Syntax strokeWeight(weight)
Parameter weight: weight in pixels
Description changes the weight of lines and borders for all the following commands.
Syntax fill(rgb)
fill(rgb, alpha)
Parameter rgb: any colour value

alpha: opacity

Description changes the colour of the filling for all the following commands.

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